The Energy Technology List at the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Event 20-22 March 2023
Visit us at the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering (HRC) Event at ExCeL London. Read on to find out more.
What is HRC?
An exhibition dedicated to Hotel, Restaurant and Catering innovation (HRC) features sectors including hospitality tech, foodservice, design and décor, and professional kitchens. The exhibition presents the opportunity to discover a whole new world of innovations to help you take your business forward.
HRC boasts a fantastic seminar programme, with talks from industry leaders, features on technology shaping the future of the industry, and much more. There will also be a series of talks on sustainability in the sector, with topics including product innovation, the frozen food industry, barriers to success in sustainability and the wholesale market.
There are over 1,500 suppliers attending the event, providing plenty of opportunity to meet and learn from industry peers.
The ETL stand
Our first year joining the HRC line up comes at a landmark time for us, having recently launched the new Professional Foodservice Equipment technology category. The introduction of this technology is a huge step forward for the sector and one we’re delighted to have taken.
It’s the first energy efficiency product performance benchmark for the under-regulated UK foodservice industry. There have been no Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and no mandatory labelling (besides refrigerated storage cabinets), meaning the impact of the Energy Technology List in this sector has the potential to be huge.
Attendees of HRC can come and find us at stand H1979d to learn more about how choosing products from the Energy Technology List can help to save their business money on energy costs.
For manufacturers of PFSE equipment, come and talk to us about applying for ETL accreditation. It’s free to do and successfully listed products gain extended visibility as the ETL can be seen as an additional procurement channel, with its own marketing and advertising activity. The independent accreditation we provide also creates reassurance around your product’s energy efficiency performance and claims.
So, come and see us at ExCeL London in March to learn more about how the ETL can benefit you and your business.
In the meantime, you can read more about HRC here.
Manufacturers looking for independent accreditation of their products can find out more about the PFSE technology criteria here, and read more about the products listed in the technology here.